Welcome to your one-stop website for all things Auction 2024. The auction is a major fundraiser that supports AUUF and the Auburn-Opelika community. It’s also a major fun raiser!
As always, the Auction will take place on the first Friday in December, which this year is December 6. Doors open at 6 pm. It’s our 32nd Annual Auction. With your help, we hope it will be the best one yet.
How can you help?
- Volunteer to do an auction task. This can be anything from helping on the night of the auction –
e.g., food service or beverage service, setting up the space, cleaning up afterward, being a greeter, assisting the auctioneers – to helping in the weeks before the auction – e.g. organizing the donated items, producing the printed catalog, setting up the online portion of the silent auction. Sign up to help here. And thank you!
Donate a service (e.g. a dinner, a class, a tour) or a physical object. Clearly, we can’t have an auction unless we have items to auction! What can you contribute? To give you some ideas, the 2023 Auction Catalog is available here. Don’t be afraid to offer something a little off the beaten path. The audience at the Auction comprises those with eclectic interests. Let us know of your items by submitting them to our online Google Database. Please let us know your items donations by November 20th so we can prepare the final auction.
Attend the Auction and bring a friend with you. The Auction seeks to “build community one bid at a time,” both community within AUUF and community beyond our walls.
The Silent Auction Goes Online, Partially. For the first time, you can peruse silent auction items (i.e., the physical objects) on a special website in the weeks before the December 6 Live Auction. Online, you can place a bid on items of interest to you and can raise your bid if someone else is also bidding on “your item.” When the bidding closes on December 5, you will have either won the item or have been outbid. Thus endeth the online silent auction! But, on the evening of December 6 there will be other, different silent auction items that you can bid on in person, as we’ve done in the past. So, of all the silent auction items being offered, some will be online and the rest will be in person. The online bidding and awarding of online items to successful bidders will be complete on December 5. A new collection of items will be available for silent bidding in person at the December 6 event. To visit the online silent auction website, click here.
Fun! Excitement!! Live music by the Electric Rangers. Incredible edibles! Nifty Fifty-Fifty raffle. Incredible meals to be bid on, on a per-seat basis. Incredible everything!! Free libations! In. Cred. I. Ble!!
It’s people you want to hug,
People you want to kiss.
You’re cruising an inch above the red rug;
It’s an event you dare not miss!