• AUUF Board 2023-2024

    Members of the Board of Trustees

    President Randy Melius
    Past President Peter Livant
    Vice President for Finance Darrell Crutchley
    Secretary Branden Stanley
    Treasurer Jim Newton
    3 year Trustee (exp. 06/25) Emily Livant
    3 year Trustee (exp. 06/26) Rebecca Retzlaff
    3 year Trustee (exp. 06/27) Cindy Reinke
    1 year Trustee (exp. 06/25) Jayme Oates
    Minister (Ex-Officio/non-voting member) Rev. Marti Keller
    Board members are elected by the Fellowship members at the Annual Meeting. Their terms match the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
  • Email addresses are deleted from this page to prevent protential phishing and spam. View address in the Members area. 
  • While not members of the AUUF Board, these committees are also elected at the Annual Business Meeting.
  • Elected Committee Chairs

    Nominating Brian Wells, chair (exp. 06/26), Victoria Jenkins (exp. 06/26), Pam Wiggins (exp. 06/25)
    Committee on Ministry Marcia Rossi. Members: Slyvia Rogers, Ralph Banks, & Temesgen Samuel
  • Members of the Council

    Aesthetics Carolyn Levy, Victoria Jenkins
    Buildings & Grounds Patrick Kennealy, Randy Melius
    Communications Pam Wiggins, Darrell Crutchley, Ayesha Alam, Gary Lerude, Conner O’Neil, 
    Congregational Support Randy Melius, Peter Livant, Emily Livant, Noriko Aoi,

    Sally McCreary

    Denominational Affairs Gary Lerude
    Green Sanctuary TBD
    Membership TBD
    Memorial Plaque Laura Kloberg
    Music Lorna Wood
    Religious Exploration Rebecca Retzlaff
    Safer Congregations Susan McCallister
    Social Action Conner O’Neill
    Sunday Services Robert Zabawa 
    Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Gary Lerude
    Personnel Committee Jim Newton, Members: Ralph Banks, Carter deShazo, & Larry Moore

    Council members are appointed by the AUUF Board in April. Their terms run for a year. 

    • Committees are what make our Fellowship run. We encourage members and friends to find their niche, the job that they are comfortable with, and discover the satisfaction of helping out and the joy of being part of AUUF.Here are brief descriptions of the work of our committees:
      • The Aesthetics Committee works to benefit the overall appearance of the Fellowship, RE Building and grounds; supports programs and services with decorations, oversees the Fellowship art collection.
      • The Buildings and Grounds Committee maintain church facilities, including buildings and grounds; the Chair is a resource person, facilitator; and supervisor for new projects, improvements and repairs.
      • The Communications Committee disseminates information about the AUUF both within the Fellowship and to the larger community.
      • The Congregational Support Committee identifies and responds to the special needs of individuals within the Fellowship during times of transition or crisis, working in conjunction with the Minister.
      • The Green Sanctuary Committee works to help the Fellowship and members integrate into our everyday living the Seventh Principle and our role as stewards of this earth.
      • The Membership Committee is responsible for welcoming visitors, encouraging membership by helping newcomers to orient to the AUUF Community, and recognizing membership in the AUUF.
      • The Memorial Plaque Committee
      • The Music Committee facilitates selection, organization, and performance of music for regular and special services of the Fellowship.
      • The Nominating Committee recruits members to serve as officers and trustees of the Board and as Committee Chairs of AUUF.
      • The Religious Education Committee plans and implements a religious education (RE) program for youth in age groups from preschool (age 3-5 years) through high school.
      • The Safety Committee
      • The Social Action Committee connects the AUUF to social issues and activities in the local and statewide community through interaction with affiliate organizations, representation in activities, and organizing events.
        The Sunday Services Committee works in concert with the minister and lay leaders to plan and present services on Sunday mornings.
      • The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee organizes events such as Guest at Your Table fund raiser in November and UNICEF fund raising in December.
      • The Committee on Ministry serves as a support for the Minister and as a communication channel between the Minister and the congregation.
      • The Personnel Committee