AUUF maintains two separate email lists for communications 1) AUUF Connect Listerv and 2) “This Week at AUUF”.


The AUUF Connect Listserv is a public email listserv hosted by AUUF to allow members and friends to quickly communicate about fellowship events and news. Any member or friend of AUUF may subscribe and post to the listserv.  Posting to the list is limited to subscribers only.

The purpose of this listserv is to foster direct communications between members of the AUUF community through the sharing of information and updates regarding Fellowship activities and community outreach, with occasional postings of a more personal nature, as well as brief discussions about an important social or environmental issue. 

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the Connect listserv, or for information on posting, click here.

To view the listserv archives, click here.


“This Week at AUUF” is a once a week, usually Thursday or Friday, newsletter with information about the weekly events happening at the AUUF. It includes a calendar of upcoming events, news items of interest to the AUUF community and links to the Order of Service for the Sunday Service.

Items for This Week at AUUF are due to the office no later than Thursday of each week. You can submit items to the bulletin by emailing them to

To subscribe to This Week at AUUFclick here.

It is recommended that community members subscribe to both lists to get the full breadth of information about the AUUF. 


Social Media

AUUF maintains a presence on multiple social media platforms, with news and resources published daily. Click the links below to access our social media pages, and please like or subscribe to us to keep up to date!
