Due to the tragic death of our own Cassidy Meadows, tomorrow’s service will not be the one scheduled. Instead, we will be having a service of readings, contemplative music, and reflection, with time for comments. Diana Jordan Allende, our minister emerita has graciously and lovingly agreed to give a homily to help us through this time.
This service is not a memorial service or celebration of Cassidy’s life; Julie, Conar and Jeblan will determine the if, when and how of that at a later time.
Rather, this Sunday will be for us to come together and act as a community of support, to each other and to Cass’s family. Conar will be at the service, because, as he says, he needs to be an angel tomorrow.
For those of you who have young children, please consider your feelings and their’s in deciding your level of participation in tomorrow’s service. Amy Kaiser and Jason Pratt will be on the playground after the Children’s Story to provide child care.
So please come to tomorrow’s service to give and receive support.
Sunday Services Committee