Back to UU, Musings from Us
“On this page discover a collection of materials offered during our Services, Meetings, Trainings and Coffee Chats”.
The first in these “Musings” is a poem, “M.H.S.” by Lorna Wood’. This was delivered during the Service entitled, “Because I Knew You: Change for Good”.
M. H. S.
My friend is nothing like me.
She is not as smart as I am
and not nearly as smart
as she makes me think I am.
She is Christian, I’m an atheist.
She is older, always already
in the next stage of life.
She is a social butterfly
who flutters above the worn-out knees
of a circus elephant. I am an introvert,
with all the social graces of a wary house cat.
She is much kinder than I.
I am always surprised by her kindness,
and then I try to catch up because I’m competitive.
Once I asked her what her fascist friend
would have to believe for her to stop
being friends with the woman,
and she said that would never matter.
She was her friend, and that was that.
I found this repellent, yet oddly reassuring.
She and I believe the same things
about people. We go to the same protests
and yell about the same outrages—
only she believes Jesus will redeem the world,
and I believe only people like her can do that.