Logo for the AUUF Bridge Lay Ministry program. Three concave curves are stylistically arranged vertically symbolizing a bridge. A yellow heart is positioned in the center of the curves. Text under the graphic reads Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Bridge Lay Ministry Program, Connecting Hearts, STrengthening Ministry.January 2025 — Rev. Marti and the Committee on Ministry are launching a lay ministry program this month that will serve as a cornerstone of our shared congregational ministry. The AUUF Bridge Lay Ministry Program (BLMP) is designed to serve as a vital bridge between the congregation and the professional minister, enhancing the work of the minister and advancing AUUF’s mission.

Lay ministers, after formal training, will serve in pivotal leadership roles in Sunday services, pastoral care, membership programs, adult education, and social action. BLMP participants will receive training to learn the skills and knowledge for these roles.


  • Duration: six months, from January through June (2025).
  • Frequency: education and training meetings will be held monthly on the 4th Sunday of each month at the Fellowship, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
  • Support meetings will be conducted monthly during the training period, using Zoom.
  • Rev. Keller will lead the instruction with the assistance of other ministers and guest speakers.
  • Particpants will practice ministry activities and be assigned books and readings for information and reflection.
  • Commitment: a two-year term of service as a Bridge Lay Minister is encouraged after completing the training period.
  • Eligibility: BLMP applicants must have been members of AUUF for at least one year.

How to Apply

AUUF members who feel called to serve as a lay minister should submit an application for review by Rev. Marti and the Committee on Ministry (Marcia Rossi, Ralph Banks, Sylvia Rogers, and Temesgen Samuel). Applicants will also be asked to meet with Rev. Marti and the Committee on Ministry to discuss their interest.

Download the application.

January 31 is the deadline for submitting an application.

Curious? Attend the Information Session on January 26

An information session to discuss the program and answer questions is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, after church in the Sanctuary. Questions can also be directed to Rev. Marti at minister@auuf.org.

Connecting Hearts, Strengthening Ministry

The BLMP offers a unique path for spiritual growth and leadership while fostering the community spirit that is the foundation of the Auburn UU Fellowship and its mission. Regardless of the level of professional ministry we have, this program will ensure we have trained leaders able to carry out some of the duties of a professional minister.