Congregation News
- Community Iftar Dinner- March7thA friend of AUUF has shared this invitation and requested that it be circulated on their behalf. As far as we know, this is a free and family-friendly event, open to the community at large. Please feel free to share, and plan to attend in support of our Muslim neighbors. … Continue reading Community Iftar Dinner- March7th
- First Ever AUUF Showcase April 5th- Sign Up Now!What: an opportunity for ALL AGES to show off your talents, hobbies, and skills, and to enjoy others’ along with food and fellowship! When: Saturday, April 5th, 5:30 (potluck) and 6:00 (showcase) How: register via this form to perform OR to help with setup and cleanup; you can also sign up on … Continue reading First Ever AUUF Showcase April 5th- Sign Up Now!
- Rev. Marti Keller Staying on for ’25-’26 Ministry Term!It is with great gratitude and appreciation that we announce that Reverend Marti Keller will be continuing as the half- time contract minister for AUUF, from August 2025- to July 2026! Rev. Marti Keller has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for more than 25 years. A lifelong UU, she was … Continue reading Rev. Marti Keller Staying on for ’25-’26 Ministry Term!
- Aspirants for BLMP Announced!We have announced our aspirants for Bridge Lay Ministry: Chris Basgeir, Herb Denmark, Melanie Rains, Jim Newton,Gary Lerude, and Sylvia Rogers. They are beginning a six month intensive education and training in what is now called collaborative ministry, amplifying and augmenting professional ministry at AUUF. You’ll be seeing more of … Continue reading Aspirants for BLMP Announced!
- Blood Drive @ AUUF- Mon. March 3rdThe hoodies will be provided for all donors while supplies last. Please sign up early with the QR code to schedule your preferred time slot. Everyone needs to have a full meal prior to donating and juices will be available during and after. The blood mobile will set up in … Continue reading Blood Drive @ AUUF- Mon. March 3rd
- Canvass Kick-off- This Sunday Feb 23rd!The Canvass is our annual pledge drive– an opportunity to renew our financial commitment to AUUF’s mission, its programs, and its staff. This year Canvass season begins Sunday, February 23rd. Unlike many religious denominations, all funds for AUUF’s administration are raised by our congregation through donations or fundraising efforts. This … Continue reading Canvass Kick-off- This Sunday Feb 23rd!
- Studio 222 Fiber Arts Reception- Sat. Feb 22Please consider attending a reception for the Studio 222 Exhibition of artworks. Share this invite with friends who may also have interest. Studio 222 presents “A Few of Our Favorite Things” Studio 222, a regional community of fiber artists, will present an exhibit entitled “A few of our favorite things” … Continue reading Studio 222 Fiber Arts Reception- Sat. Feb 22
- Applications for Director of Religious Exploration (DRE) now open!AUUF is grateful for all the hard work and care Meadows has given our Religious Exploration (RE) program and fellowship’s youth. The time has come, however, to find a permanent, half-time, Director for the program- the DRE. The position has been posted with the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the … Continue reading Applications for Director of Religious Exploration (DRE) now open!
- Have you checked out AUUF’s podcast?!Did you know AUUF has a podcast? This will be a significant addition in how we have made recordings available for the last 4 years. Since March 2020, i.e Covid CE, we have broadcast 95% of the services first via zoom, then later via YouTube in real time and made recordings … Continue reading Have you checked out AUUF’s podcast?!