Social Justice
Wherever there is a justice issue, you will find Unitarian Universalists engaged in the struggle. At AUUF, we take social justice very seriously. Social justice issues are often addressed in our Sunday services and forums. We are also proud to be certified as a Welcoming Congregation.
We are involved in a variety of causes at the local, regional, national, and international level, including economic justice, LGBTQIA+ justice, racial justice and immigration justice. Our members and minister frequently work with the larger community to address social justice issues, and we have marched in solidarity with oppressed people in our community and beyond.

Much of the activism underway at AUUF is done not through the Fellowship, but by various groups and individuals who meet or attend services here. More info about meetings and events held by these groups can be found in the weekly announcements.
For more information about these groups, or to find ways to get involved, email the chair of our Social Action committee.