Introducing Our Focus
Why is Emotional Intelligence a social justice focus? Put simply, being able to understand our own emotional reactions and how we affect others can increase our effectiveness in the world and how far we will get in pursuing social change. While our goal never needs to be to appease other people, understanding emotional intelligence can be a strategy towards dialogue as one piece of pursing a more just and compassionate world.
The Emotional Intelligence Institute was founded in 2001 by Sandra Hughes McDevitt. In 2006, it launched Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Awareness Month in October. It also offers extensive training material in emotional intelligence, and links to EQ assessments.
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month, the annual campaign to educate people about emotional intelligence, began in 2006. Each year the Emotional Intelligence Institute organizes the campaign and offers a number of educational materials for free on the non-profit’s website at www.e-ii.org. With emotions now being understood as the main architect of the human mind, it is imperative for adults and youth alike to better understand how to manage emotions and develop healthier minds.”
October is also Mental Health Month.
Another window into emotional intelligence is nonviolent communication (NVC) developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Some articles and resources are available at The Center for Nonviolent Communication.
Emotional Intelligence Tests
These tests should be regarded as helpful, but not perfect. It may make senses to take all five and then compare the results, rather than rely on any one. In the end, do the results align with your self-understanding of yourself?
- https://www.arealme.com/eq/en/ (10 minutes)
- https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/3979 (45 minutes)
- https://www.ihhp.com/free-eq-quiz/ (2 minutes)
- https://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3978 (45 Minutes)
- This test will provide a partial report for free, which is quite limited. The cost of the full report is $9.95. You can take a look at a sample of the full report to see if you want to order it. It is quite extensive, and likely worth the cost.
- http://www.globalleadershipfoundation.com/geit/eitest.html (10 minutes)
EQ Self Study Program
The Emotional Intelligence Institute provides a free self-paced, self-study course to help understand our Emotional Quotient (or EQ), which some believe is a more important predictor for success than IQ! For more information, click here.