Rising Gardens Market this Sunday March 23

📍 Where: 231 E Drake Ave, Auburn AL   ⏰ When: 1 – 5 pm

Come and enjoy homegrown produce, unique items from talented vendors, delicious food and fun activities for all ages!


1. LOCAL VENDORS selling locally sourced and sustainably grown produce, honey, prepared food and drink, jewelry, and MORE! . 

*We are now offering Double Up Food Bucks with SNAP/EBT purchases. Please take a look at the attached flyer to learn how to use SNAP/EBT at our market.

ProduceKale, Collards, Turnip, Carrot, Bibb Lettuce, Cucumber, Cilantro, Basil, Turmeric root, Frozen Blueberries, Mushrooms (lions mane, oyster)

All produce locally sourced and sustainably grown. 

Prepared Food offerings:

– Home Eats : Frozen and sold by the pint

                            Seafood Gumbo
                            Smoked Chicken White Bean chilli   

                            Spring Bean Stew (vegan)

– Rawsoulicious & Jahi’s SunflowerWell : Vibrant Raw Vegan creations

– Herbal House of Healing : Sea Moss Smoothies and gels

– Shanmade Lemonade – Lemonade

See attached flyers for a full list of growers and participating vendors.

2. Live Music

Zeph Embers at 1:15 pm 

Auburn Indian Music Ensemble at 1:45 pm.

3. Environmental Education Activity 

– “BEE Inspired: Exploring the world of native bees & pollinators” by the AU-BEES lab at 2:30 pm 

Learn about the importance of native bees, their role in pollination, the significance of wildflowers, the process of bee rearing, and the wonders of honey.

– Southern Exposure Film screenings: “Who’s your farmer?” at 3 pm and 4 pm

This film explores farming in Alabama through the eyes of local farmers all across the state that care about the land, the water and the people they feed.

4. Food Demonstration & tasting 

“Mushroom basics with Theo & Ria: Learn how to clean, cook and store mushrooms” at 3:30 pm

Menu: Mushroom Philly sandwich

           Mushroom BBQ sandwich

           Mushroom bacon 

5. Community Music circle / Open Jam at 4:15 pm – Bring your own drum, or use one of ours. Play an instrument. Sing. Dance. Move. Everyone is welcome to participate. 


Park across the road in front of Jan Dempsey Art Center.

Come support your local farmers and artisans, learn new skills, build new connections, and help build resilience in our community. For more questions/info, email rising.gardensllc@gmail.com or follow us on social media (instagram@rising.gardens and facebook@rising.gardensllc). Also see attached flyers to circulate among your friends and communities.