“Arc Bending”
A look at Theodore Parker, the controversial Unitarian minister who coined this famous description of social justice activism, who has been considered both a heretic and a hero.
A look at Theodore Parker, the controversial Unitarian minister who coined this famous description of social justice activism, who has been considered both a heretic and a hero.
Sometimes a single word can capture the significance of a national moment, feeling or cultural shift. The selected word(s) of the year are thus, “a word or phrase of what … Continue reading Word of the Year
A celebration of the many holidays in many different spiritual and cultural traditions this month– and of the rich intrafaith nature of Unitarian Universalism.
In. this most busy, most noisy multi-holidays month of December, a look at the state of and practice of solitude. For the good.
In the days after the presidential election 2024, we gather to reflect and move forward together.
As we live out our new AUUF mission statement inside and outside our fellowship walls, we explore the history of progressive religious mission work in Unitarian Universalism and envision how … Continue reading “Mission Possible”
There is a tremendous power that lies in our faculty of speech. In this period, we need to pay special attention to everything that comes out of our mouths to … Continue reading “Say It to My Face”
What is it? How does it connect to our core Unitarian Universalist values? How might we promote this in our congregation and larger community?
When former First Lady Michelle Obama recently made an appearance, her message was not the only focal point; her hairstyle also drew considerable attention. This phenomenon prompts us to reflect … Continue reading Hairtage: Braiding An Identity
Joy has certainly been in the news more lately. Are happiness and joy the same? What does it take to experience and promote both of them?