Keeping Easter
What does a UU Easter look like?
What does a UU Easter look like?
Where we find hope Where we find home
The many ways we live out love in this world. The varieties of love- where love has been found in Unitarian and Universalism over the years.
From to do lists to bucket lists, to lists of wishes for this coming year personally and for this community
Celebrating the 2023 selected word ( or words) of the year and the Dictionary People who created these wonder books for word people. Come with your own annual or all … Continue reading “Words” – Rev. Marti Keller
A look at the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah in this time – its meaning and lessons for our faith tradition
As we enter into a season of food and fellowship, an exploration of the meaning of our meals, including a look at our UU ethics of eating.
An intro to the power of habits/ everyday spiritual practices. How can we live with more awareness and intention, deepen and enrich our lives from contemplation to quilting to social … Continue reading Simple Pathways
On this Labor Day Weekend 2023, where does work fit with worth and dignity ?
A look at the practice of reading, our UU relationship to books, and why reading is a social justice and equity issue, now more than ever in this country