Speaker: Rev. Marti Keller
Word of the Month
Why Go to the Movies?
There are so many ways to look at anything, and movies are powerful jumping off points for gaining perspective and understanding. Member Terry Rodriguez won this sermon at the annual … Continue reading Why Go to the Movies?
Word of the Month
This is the 2nd in a monthly series of talks about words that were selected as popular/imporant in 2018. And important to UUs. Hints: Think of one of our 7 … Continue reading Word of the Month
King’s God
The annual MLK holiday has come and gone, but King’s prophetic spirit remains with us always. A look at the world view of this human rights leader, and its resonances … Continue reading King’s God
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Tina Turner, in this ironic iconic song, was talking about one kind of love. We Unitarians, and especially Universalists, talk about another. How are we doing, love-wise?
Christmas Eve Service
Little Women and Why It Still Matters
One of the most famous holiday lines in a novel may be this one “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any present,” grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. In this 150th … Continue reading Little Women and Why It Still Matters
“Blintzes & Blitzen”
How UU’s do both Hanukkah & Christmas? December is a particular challenge. How do we or don’t we affirm and promote overlapping religious holidays and traditions in this larger Christian culture?