Wisdom from the World’s Religions
Continuing our series on the sources of our living UU tradition.
Continuing our series on the sources of our living UU tradition.
What are we doing to dismantle racism?
The value of reaching beyond our “comfort zone” to make positive change.
How do we develop and nurture relationships across difference?
Reflections on this ancient source of UU wisdom and inspiration.
Among the basic human emotions, happiness is the one we actively pursue. We explore the spiritual dimension of happiness and consider ways of promoting and nurturing private contentment and collective … Continue reading Dancing in the Streets
Reflections on a visit to Manzanar National Historic Site, commemorating the incarceration of some 10,000 people of Japanese Ancestry from 1942-45. What wisdom emerges from this particular journey?
Sundae Sunday Reflections on ways of deepening the sense of belonging, of which we are all worthy: an exploration of the many opportunities to participate in the life of the … Continue reading Invitation to Love
Given the principle of the “inherent worth and dignity of every person” and our theological ancestry in the doctrine of universal salvation, how might we understand the mystery of evil, … Continue reading Sympathy for the Devil
Insights brought back from UUA General Assembly, June 21-25 in New Orleans. Food Bank Collection – Giving of the Plate(Earthjustice) – Potluck – Board Meeting