We held our Canvass Kickoff yesterday. Great turnout. Thank you to everyone present We started out with three ways to make a pledge to AUUF for next fiscal year: 1) turn in a pledge card at the Canvass kickoff, 2) enter your pledge online via our google form between now and March 15, and 3) we will follow up with people not making a pledge by March 15 to conduct our traditional face to face pledge. Our goal is to have everything wrapped up by April 5 so the board can finalized the operating budget for the 2025-26 Fiscal Year. –Darrell Crutchley, VP of Finance

The Canvass is our annual pledge drive–an opportunity to renew our financial commitment to AUUF’s mission, its programs, and its staff. This year Canvass season begins Sunday, February 23rd with your first ever Canvass Sunday. This is a new way for us to conduct the process for raising funds for the coming fiscal year. During the service it is our (the Finance Committee) hope that each congregant fills out a pledge card, brings it forward, and places it in the pledge box. If you are not ready to make a financial pledge on Canvass Sunday we will have other ways for you to pledge at a later time. 

This year, our Canvass goal is 100% participation with every member of our community sharing what they can to help AUUF grow and flourish. No pledge is too small, and it goes without saying that no pledge is too big.

Let’s work to meet our goal (100% participation) and continue being awesome!

Pledge in the Worship Service on Canvass Sunday (February 23rd)
At the worship service on February 23rd, you will receive a pledge card. Fill it out, bring it to the front of the sanctuary, and place it in the pledge box. 

Stop by the Canvass table after Sunday services, February 30 – April 5, 2025. 
There, you will find members of the Canvass team who can answer your questions about making a pledge. They will have additional pledge cards for you to fill out

Fill out our Pledge Google Form
We have created an online Google form to record your pledge until April 5th — the form Is available 24 hours a day. We will open the form after the 23rd and let everyone know the address. 

The goal is for everyone—members, friends, soon-to-be friends—to participate!

The finance committee has polled the committee chairs asking what they need to undertake their tasks for the year. The total to fund these requests and pay our staff a Living Wage is $167,247. About 86% of our budget is financed from the Pledges made during the Canvass. We estimate our canvass goal to be $144,607 in pledges for AUUF’s planned programs in FY 2025-26. This is an increase of about $10,000 over our current fiscal year budget. If everybody gives what they can, we can reach this goal.

As a part of our covenant of membership, all members are expected to make a financial pledge, according to their ability to give. There is no minimum amount for a pledge, and you do not need to be a member to make a pledge. We will happily accept pledges from all members of our beloved community. 

The need for financial support is obvious, but the need for pledging might not be. By pledging our support in advance, we make it possible for our congregational leaders to plan for the 2025-2026 budget year. Our By-laws requires use to present a balanced budget at the Annual Business meeting fo the congregation to approve before the start of the new Fiscal Year. Pledges make up 86% of AUUF’s annual operating budget. 

First and foremost, we want to continue to fully support our excellent staff.  We have increased compensation for all staff to be in line with Living Wage guidelines recommended by the UUA. We want to maintain our facilities and develop services and programs for members, friends, and visitors. 

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) helps to strengthen and expand Unitarian Universalism beyond our own congregations. We aspire to remain an Honor Congregation (formerly Fair Share) to help our denomination grow. For the past 30+ years we have been recognized as an Honor Congregation by contributing our Fair Share to the UUA Annual Program Fund.

That’s a hard one!
 The UUA puts out a “Suggested Fair Share Giving Guide” It is thoughtful and compassionate (as you’d expect), but a tad bit complicated.

The big problem with the “How much should I give” question is defining the “I” in the question. We’re all different. Our relationship with money is ours and ours alone. (“Money has something to do with that intimate little place in your heart where you need security and don’t want to give that away.” – Henri Nouwen) Is Nouwen describing you? Maybe. Maybe not. But money is a sticky subject, yes?

The liberating idea is that giving to the Fellowship is funding your own spiritual life, your own community of support. That’s to say… you’re not giving your money away. It’s right here, benefiting you, other AUUFers, and the world beyond our walls.

If you crave a simple formula for giving, “Five to thrive” might work for you. Write down your annual income. Pledge 5% of that to AUUF’s present and future. Five to Thrive.

Another formula is “I’ll give what I gave last year.” But inflation eats away at your pledge. If you gave $2000 four years ago and kept giving that ever since, your $2000 pledge today is worth about $1500. Everyone has different circumstances, and if “I’ll give what I gave last year” is really all you can swing, then we welcome your pledge and are grateful for your generosity. We need you. We need everyone!

If you have never pledged, consider a grateful gift of $10 each month. However, if you pledge within your means, you will contribute to a successful Canvass outcome.

Pledges can be paid in many different ways: (1) checks payable to AUUF dropped in the collection basket each week, (2) checks mailed to P.O. Box 669 Auburn, AL 36831-0669. (3) If you have bill pay with your financial institution a recurring automatic check can be mailed to the P.O. Box above, or, (4) single or recurring donations can be made using PayPal at PayPal.me/AuburnUUF or via Venmo at www.venmo.com/u/AuburnUUFellowship or from the Venmo app @AuburnUUFellowship. More information about recurring payment setup for Venmo. Venmo and PayPal are acceptable and very convenient ways of paying your pledge, but AUUF doesn’t receive the full amount of your payment; more like 97%.

Your pledge refers to the 2025-26 fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2025. Therefore, you’ll start contributing in July, 2025 at the level you will have pledged in this Canvass. Many of us are paying off our last years pledge now. 

We have many non-members of the Fellowship who pledge financial support. We call them “Friends” of AUUF. We invite everyone who is regularly participating in AUUF activities to make a pledge.

We understand that some people’s circumstances change during the year, which prevents them from fulfilling their pledges. If this occurs, please let us know so that we can take note in our records, and plan accordingly.

The Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship has a long tradition of strong financial management of its resources. It maintains solid financial records and a healthy financial reserve. The financial officers consist of a VP for Finance, Treasurer, an assistant treasurer for deposits and a volunteer part-time bookkeeper. The VP for Finance and Treasurer are Board positions. 

AUUF operates on a July to June fiscal year. Each January, the Board issues budget guidance to staff and committees for submittal of funding requests for the upcoming fiscal year. The finance committee reviews and assembles these submissions into a draft budget. This becomes the basis for the annual spring Canvass drive. In May, at the conclusion of the canvass, the Board, if required to do so, adjusts the operating budget to reflect any shortfall in pledge commitments. At the Business Meeting in late May or early June, the entire congregation votes to approve the budget

The charts below are an overview the income and expenses anticipated for next year.

Click Image to enlarge

Our largest expense, at 68% of our projected budget, and the heart and soul of our congregation is its staff. AUUF employs Hourly office staff, Hourly custodial staff, Hourly playground and nursery workers and a part-time Music Director/Pianist. Our Minister, Rev. Marti Keller is half time as is our DRE (Director of Religious Exploration) All other positions are filled with volunteers. 

Questions regarding AUUF finances can be directed to Darrell Crutchley, VP for Finance, or Jim Newton, AUUF Treasurer