“Peace Train has begun discussing “To This I Give My Heart,” a coming-of-age book which is leading us through topics about our UU identity. It’s deep and it’s fun and it’s helping us get to know each other.

“We have our own room! It is purple and red and has a popcorn popper. It has two beanbag chairs named Jabba and Jabbalette (or maybe she goes by Jabrielle). We owe eternal thanks to Randy for converting this room from a basement-like storeroom with exposed pipes, wood studs and wires to a real meeting room with trimmed wood, sheetrock, and character. He put a lot of work into this.

“Finally, for the highlight of each month, we continue to collect water quality data for Alabama Water Watch at Choctafaula Creek in Tuskegee National Forest.”

–AUUF RE Teen Class