Our Elected Leaders

Our elected leaders for 2024-2025 (from left): Randy Melius, Reverend Martin Keller, Cindy Reinke, Darrell Crutchley, Emily Livant, Jim Newton, Rebecca Retzlaff, Peter Livant
Not pictured: Branden Stanley and Jayme Oates
Randy Melius | President |
Peter Livant | Past President |
Branden Stanley | Secretary |
Jim Newton | Treasurer |
Darrell Crutchley | VP of Finance |
Cindy Reinke | Three-year Trustee (2027) |
Rebecca Retzlaff | Three-year Trustee (2026) |
Emily Livant | Three-year Trustee (2025) |
Jayme Oates | One-year Trustee |
Marti Keller | Minister |
Meadows | Acting Director of Religious Exploration |
Nominating Committee
Brian Wells | Chair 2024-2025 |
Victoria Jenkins | One-year Member (2024) |
Pamela Wiggins | One-year Member (2024) |
Our Volunteer Committees
Aesthetics | Victoria Jenkins, Carolyn Levy |
Building and Grounds | Patrick Kennealy |
Communications | Ayesha Alam, Darrell Crutchley, Zenda Davis, Carter deShazo, Gary Lerude, Connor O’Neill, Pam Wiggins |
Congregational Support | Noriko Aoi, Emily Livant, Peter Livant, Randy Melius, Sally McCreary |
Denominational Affairs | Gary Lerude |
Green Sanctuary | TBD |
Membership | TBD |
Memorial Plaque | Laura Kloberg |
Music | Lorna Wood |
Religious Exploration | Ayesha Alam, Chris Basgier, Jayme Oates, Rebecca Retzlaff, Eric Scotch |
Safer Congregations | Susan McCallister |
Social Action | Jim Bradley, Jim Newton, Conner O’Neill |
Sunday Services | Robert Zabawa |
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee | Gary Lerude |
About the Committees
Aesthetics Works to benefit overall appearance of the Fellowship, RE Building, Busch Center and grounds. Supports programs and services with decorations. Oversees Fellowship art collection.
Buildings and Grounds Maintains facilities of buildings and grounds. Chair or co-chairs act as resource person(s), facilitator(s) and supervisor(s) for new projects, improvements and repairs.
Communications Disseminates information about AUUF both within the Fellowship and to the larger community.
Congregational Support Identifies and responds to special needs of individuals within the Fellowship during times of transition or crisis, working in conjunction with the Minister.
Denominational Affairs Keeps Fellowship posted regarding pertinent events happening (e.g. meetings, leadership training opportunities) at the UUA Southern Region Level and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Finance Reviews and manages financial matters of the AUUF and report to the Board of Trustees.
Canvass (sub-committee of Finance) Conducts annual canvass, which secures financial pledges that traditionally comprise 90 percent of the budget, and gathers comments of the members and friends to be published as an addendum to the annual canvass.
Green Sanctuary Promotes a greater appreciation of the Seventh Principle and our role as stewards of this earth. Specific objectives are designed to provide both the Fellowship and the members a holistic approach to integrating this principle into their lives, both practically and spiritually, such that it becomes a way of life.
Membership Responsible for welcoming visitors, encouraging membership by helping newcomers become assimilated in the AUUF Community, and recognizing membership in the AUUF.
Music Facilitates selection, organization and performance of music for regular and special services of the Fellowship.
Nominations Recruits members to serve as officers and trustees of the Board and Committee Chairs of AUUF.
Religious Exploration (RE) Provides religious education, mainly for children and youth, as mandated in the by-Laws. Supports implementation of planned programing as envisioned by the Director of RE program.
Safety Works toward and maintains a safe environment for all activities at AUUF. Safety includes risk management, safety of structures and grounds (including the playground), fire protection and prevention, safety of equipment (e.g. electrical systems, kitchen equipment, heating systems, yard equipment), policies of hiring that ensure safety of children and adults, and security of buildings and their contents, and any issue that the Committee reasonably construes to impact safety at AUUF.
Social Action Connects the AUUF to social issues and activities in the local and statewide community through interaction with affiliate organizations, representation in activities, and organizing events.
Sunday Services Works in concert with the Minister and lay leaders to plan and present services on Sunday mornings and on certain other occasions.
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Provides regional, national, and global outreach on social, economic, political, and spiritual issues. The UUSC Chair is the local liaison to the AUUF.