AUUF relies on four main methods of support:
1) Financial Contributions
The Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship relies on Members and Friends to support our annual budget. In the Spring of the year, we undertake an Every Member Canvass where we solicit annual pledges from members and friends. One time or recurring donations can be set up automatically through our Finance Committee (2023-24 VP for Finance; Darrell Crutchley)
We prefer donations to be made with check so 100% of your donation can be used for operations. We have accounts to receive payments with PayPal and Venmo for easy online donations. Use the links below to initiate payment using these services.
We are a small congregation with few staff- we rely heavily on volunteers to keep us running! See our Volunteer Page for more info.
3) Fundraising Programs
Our Annual Auction takes community donations of services and items and sells them to the highest bidder over the course of an exciting evening on the first Friday of December. Please encourage your friends and family to come out to this event to shop for unique holiday gifts!
Our Religious Exploration (RE) program hosts several events throughout the year to keep the program funded! These include a Car Wash, Pancake Breakfast, Valentines Express, and more! Contact our Director of RE (DRE) for more info: Julie Meadows,
AUUF serves and sells Fair Trade Coffee and other products from Equal Exchange. Equal Exchange is a worker-owned cooperative that works with farmers all over the world providing a fair price for their products and promoting economic justice.
Through our sales of Equal Exchange products we
- Promote the work of Equal Exchange to provide fair prices to producers around the world.
- Promote the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee through the contributions Equal Exchange makes to the UUSC when we purchase products through their Faith Communities store.
- Promote stewardship of the AUUF through the profits from our sales that go into the AUUF operating budget.
Please stop by our table after Sunday morning services to make your purchases. We sell Equal Exchange coffees, chocolate products, raisins and nuts.
4) Programs of Support
Kroger offers reward programs that cost you nothing, yet raise money for the Fellowship! Please enroll by clicking the links bellow:

Kroger Community Rewards® provide quarterly donations to the AUUF based on the dollar volume of purchases by people using their Kroger Shopper Card. To link your Kroger Card to the AUUF click the link below. The AUUF is listed as AUBURN UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP #73961