Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer

Rev. Chris Rothbauer is the second settled minister at Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

Ask Big Questions!

In our second annual question box service, Rev. Chris will take your questions, big or small, and answer them! Got a question about philosophy, theology, Unitarian Universalism, or life in general? Get your answers this morning!

The First Fruits of Our Lives: Lughnasadh and the Circle of Life

August 1 was traditionally celebrated by ancient European people as a festival of the harvest. As we look towards the beginning of our congregational year, what does this mean for each of us personal and for AUUF? This participatory service will encourage AUUF members to bring their “first fruits” to celebrate with our members.

The World as It Could Be: Prophecy as Speaking Truth to Power

Prophecy gets a bad name in our culture because of the misconception that it’s just fortunetelling. From the ancient Hebrews to modern thinkers, though, a good prophet is a person who tells the truth about systems of injustice in a way that shines a light on how the world might be. In this service, we’ll … Continue reading The World as It Could Be: Prophecy as Speaking Truth to Power

World as Self: Joanna Macy and the Work that Reconnects

For five decades, environmental activist Joanna Macy has worked to show how reconnecting with our place on the planet is a prerequisite to engaging in environmental justice work. In this service, we’ll look at Macy’s Work That Reconnects and ask whether environmental activism can be spiritual practice.