Religious Exploration (RE) activities, 2024-2025

Key to Colors

Work Parties RE Days  Alabama Water Watch (AWW) and Fellowship Events ♦ OWL (Our Whole Lives) ♦ RE fo All Ages ♦ REConnect Events ♦ Combined RE Classes ♦ Special Events (The Congregation can enjoy the efforts of the RE children and youth)


August 2024

3 – RE Work Party (Thank you everyone who participated and helped clean up inside and out.)

4- AWW (Alabama Water Watch)

18 – Ingathering

2511:00 AM – Sundae Sunday 

25 – 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM OWL (Our Whole Lives)) Parent Meeting, 7th – 9th Grade


September 2024

1 – AWW (Alabama Water Watch)

7 – RE Work Party cont’d.

8 – 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM – Teacher Training

15 – RE for All Ages – Pinwheels for Peace

22 – First RE

27 – Reconnect Potluck/Campfire – Busch Center Backyard

29 – OWL Service/Elementary and Youth in for service/RE for Spirit Play


October 2024

6 – AWW (Alabama Water Watch)/RE

13 – Sign-up begins for Talent Show on 11/22

20 – RE

26 – Cooperative Pumpkin Decorating

27 – Pumpkin judging/treats


November 2024

3 – Pancake Breakfast/AWW/RE

10 – Kids decorate Holiday Helping Boxes

17 – RE/OWL (Our Whole Lives) Parent Meeting – 4th – 6th grade

22 – Reconnect 5:30 pm “Favorite Childhood Dish” Potluck

24 – RE


December 2024

1 – RE for All Ages Decorate Cookies for Cookie Walk/AWW

8 – Kids Decorate Holiday Helping Boxes

15 – Teens fill Holiday Helping Boxes

22 – Combined RE

24 – Christmas Eve Service

29 – Combined RE or no RE TBD


January 2025

5 – AWW/ Combined RE

19 – Combined RE

24 – Reconnect Welcome Back

26 – RE for All Ages Valentine Making


February 2025

2 – Sell Valentines/AWW/RE

9 – Deliver Valentines

16 – RE

23 – RE


March 2025

2 – AWW/RE

16 – Combined RE

23 – RE

30 – RE


April 2025

5 – 6:00 pm – REConnect Dinner & 7:00 pm – Talent Show 

6 – AWW/RE

19 – Teens hide eggs

20 – Cooperative Egg Hunt

27 – RE


May 2025

4 – RE Car Wash?/Combined RE

18 – Last RE/Clean up/take home projects

25 – RE Service/Picnic


June 2025

1 – AWW


July 2025

6 – AWW

25 – Mothing (located behind Busch Center)


If you’d like to volunteer for a particular event, just let us know!

E-mail Meadows at